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Authors:  S. Farrens, A. Grigis, L. El Gueddari, Z. Ramzi, Chaithya G. R., S. Starck, B. Sarthou, H. Cherkaoui, P.Ciuciu, J-L. Starck
Language: Python
Download: GitHub
Description: PySAP (Python Sparse data Analysis Package) is a Python module for sparse data analysis.

PySAP paper


The installation of PySAP has been extensively tested on Ubuntu and macOS, however we cannot guarantee it will work on every operating system (e.g. Windows).

If you encounter any installation issues be sure to go through the following steps before opening a new issue:

  1. Check that that all of the installed all the dependencies listed above have been installed.
  2. Read through all of the documentation provided, including the troubleshooting suggestions.
  3. Check if you problem has already been addressed in a previous issue.

Further instructions are available here.

From PyPi

To install PySAP simply run:

$ pip install python-pysap

Depending on your Python setup you may need to provide the --user option.

$ pip install --user python-pysap


To build PySAP locally, clone the repository:

$ git clone

and run:

$ python install


$ python develop

As before, use the --user option if needed.


Help with installation on macOS is available here.


Please refer to the PyQtGraph homepage for issues regarding the installation of pyqtgraph.


If you want to contribute to pySAP, be sure to review the contribution guidelines and follow to the code of conduct.

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Author: Samuel Farrens

I have been a postdoctoral researcher at CEA Saclay since October 2015. I am currently working on the DEDALE project and the Euclid mission with Jean-Luc Starck.

My background is in optical detection of clusters of galaxies and photometric redshift estimation. I am now branching out into the field of PSF estimation using sparse signal processing techniques.

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