Sandrine Pires
Contact Information | |
E-mail: | sandrine.pires [at] cea [dot] fr |
Phone: | +33 (0)1 69 08 92 63 |
Office: | 280 |
Affiliation: | IRFU/DEDIP |
ORCID iD | 0000-0002-0249-2104 |
Research Interests
Astrophysics, Signal and Image processing
- Astrophysics: Weak Lensing Mass Maps, Clusters of galaxies
- Data analysis: multiscale methods, sparse representation, statistical methods.
I'm involved in the following projects :
- Software MRLens: New filtering method for weak lensing reconstruction.
- For more informations refer to: the MRLens Software page
- Software FASTLens Inpainting method dedicated to weak lensing.
- For more informations refer to: the FASTLens Software page
- Software K-Inpainting: Inpainting for Kepler.
- For more informations refer to: the K-Inpainting Software page
- Software ICON: Inpainting for Microscope
- For more informations refer to: the ICON Software page
- "Euclid: Reconstruction of Weak Lensing mass maps for non-Gaussianity studies", S. Pires, V. Vandenbussche, V. Kansal, R. Bender, L. Blot, D. Bonino, A. Boucaud, J. Brinchmann, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, R. Clédassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, F. Dubath, P. Fosalba, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, F. Grupp, F. Hormuth, S. Kermiche, M. Knabenhans, R. Kohley, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, S. Ligori, P.B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, R. Massey, G. Meylan, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, M. Poncet, D. Potter, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, J. Stadel, P. Tallada Crespí, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, Y. Wang, A&A 638, A141, June 2020
- "Space test of the Equivalence Principle: first results of the MICROSCOPE mission", P. Touboul, G. Metris, M. Rodrigues, Y. André, Q. Baghi, J. Bergé, D. Boulanger, S. Bremer, R. Chhun, B. Christophe, V. Cipolla, T. Damour, P. Danto, H. Dittus, P. Fayet, B. Foulon, P.-Y. Guidotti, E. Hardy, P.-A. Huynh, C. Lämmerzahl, V. Lebat, F. Liorzou, M. List, I. Panel, S. Pires, B. Pouilloux, P. Prieur, S. Reynaud, B. Rievers, A. Robert, H. Selig, L. Serron, T. Sumner, P. Viesser, CQG, 36, 225006, November 2019
- "Dealing with missing data in the MICROSCOPE space mission: An adaptation of inpainting to handle colored-noise data", S. Pires, J. Bergé, Q. Baghi, P. Touboul, G. Métris, Physical Review D, 94, 123015, December 2016
- "A new model to predict weak-lensing peak counts III. Filtering technique comparisons", C. Lin, M. Kilbinger, S. Pires, A&A 593, A88, September 2016
- "High Resolution Weak Lensing Mass-Mapping Combining Shear and Flexion", F. Lanusse, J.-L. Starck, A. Leonard, S. Pires, A&A, 591, A2, 12, June 2016
- "Dealing with missing data: An inpainting application to the MICROSCOPE space mission", J. Bergé, S. Pires, Q. Baghi, P. Touboul, G. Metris, Physical Review D, 92, 11, December 2015
- "Sparsely Sampling the Sky: Regular vs Random Sampling", P. Paykari, S. Pires, J.-L. Starck, A.H. Jaffe, A&A, 581, A113, 6, September 2015
- "Gap interpolation by inpainting methods : Application to Ground and Space-based Asteroseismic data", S. Pires, S. Mathur, R.A. Garcia, J. Ballot, D. Stello, K. Sato, A&A, 574, A18, February 2015
- "Impact on asteroseismic analyses from regular gaps in Kepler data", R.A. Garcia, S. Mathur, S. Pires, C. Régulo, B. Bellamy, P.L. Pallé, J. Ballot, S. Barcelo Forteza, P.G. Beck, T.R. Bedding, T. Ceillier, T. Roca Cortés, D. Salabert, and D. Stello, A&A, 568, A10, 8, August 2014
- "A PCA-based automated finder for galaxy-scale strong lenses", R. Joseph, F. Courbin, R.B. Metcalf, C. Giocoli, P. Hartley, N. Jackson, F. Bellagamba, J.-P. Kneib, L. Koopmans, G. Lemson, M. Meneghetti, G. Meylan, M. Petkova, S. Pires, A&A, 566, A63, 10, June 2014
- "Weak lensing Galaxy Cluster Field Reconstruction", E. Jullo, S. Pires, M. Jauzac, J.-P. Kneib, MNRAS, 437, 4, 3969-3979, February 2014
- "Origins of weak lensing systematics, and requirements on future instrumentation (or knowledge of instrumentation)", R. Massey, H. Hoekstra, T. Kitching, J. Rhodes, M. Cropper, J. Amiaux, D. Harvey, Y. Mellier, M. Meneghetti, L. Miller, S. Paulin-Henriksson, S. Pires, R. Scaramella and T. Schrabback, MNRAS, 429, 1, 661-678, 2013.
- "Defining a Weak Lensing Experiment in Space", M. Cropper, H. Hoekstra, T. Kitching, J. Amiaux, R. Massey, L. Miller, Y. Mellier, J. Rhodes, B. Rowe, S. Pires, C. Saxton and R. Scaramella, MNRAS, 431, 4, 3103-3126, 2013.
- "Fast Calculation of the Weak Lensing Aperture Mass Statistic", A. Leonard, S. Pires, J.-L. Starck, MNRAS, 423, 4, 3405-3412, 2012.
- "Cosmological constraints from the capture of non-Gaussianity in Weak Lensing data", S. Pires, A. Leonard, J.-L. Starck, MNRAS, 423, 1, 983-992, 2012.
- "Wavelet Helmholtz decomposition for weak lensing mass map reconstruction", E. Deriaz, S. Pires, J.-L. Starck, A&A, 540, A34, 2012
- "Towards a fast, model-independent Cosmic Microwave Background bispectrum estimator", S. Pires, S. Plaszczynski and A. Lavabre, Statistical Methodology, 9, 71-84, 2012
- "Spectral evolution and polarization of variable structures in the pulsar wind nebula of PSR B0540-69.3", N. Lundqvist, P. Lundqvist, C.-I. Björnsson, G. Olofsson, S. Pires, Yu. A. Shibanov and D.A. Zyuzin, MNRAS, 413, 1, 611-627, 2011
- "Weak Lensning Mass Reconstruction: Flexion vs Shear", S. Pires and A. Amara, ApJ, 723, 2, 1507-1511, 2010
- "Light on Dark Matter with Weak Gravitational Lensing", S. Pires, J.-L. Starck and A. Réfrégier, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 27, 1, 76-85, 2010.
- "Cosmological model discrimination from Weak Lensing data", S. Pires, J.-L. Starck, A. Amara, A. Réfrégier and R. Teyssier, A&A, 505, 3, 969-979, 2009.
- "On the contribution of large scale structure to strong gravitational lensing", C. Faure, J.-P. Kneib, S. Hilbert, R. Massey, G. Covone, A. Finoguenov, A. Leauthaud, J.E. Taylor, S. Pires, N. Scoville, Anton M. Koekemoe, ApJ, 695, 2, 1233-1243, 2009.
- "Handbook for the GREAT08 Challenge: An image analysis competition for cosmological lensing", S. Bridle, J. Shawe-Taylor, A. Amara, D. Applegate, S.-T. Balan, G. Bernstein, J. Berge, H. Dahle, T. Erben, M. Gill, A. Heavens, C. Heymans, W. High, H. Hoekstra, M. Jarvis, T. Kitching, J.-P. Kneib, K. Kuijken, D. Lagattuta, R. Mandelbaum, R. Massey, Y. Mellier, B. Moghaddam, Y. Moudden, R. Nakajima, S. Paulin-Henriksson, S. Pires, A. Rassat, A. Refregier, J. Rhodes, T. Schrabback, E. Semboloni, M. Shmakova, L. van Waerbeke, L. Voigt, D. Wittman, Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 6-37, 2009.
- "FASTLENS (FAst STatistics for weak Lensing): Fast method for Weak Lensing Statistics and map making", S. Pires, J.-L. Starck, A. Amara, R. Teyssier, A. Réfrégier and J. Fadili, MNRAS, 395, 3, 1265-1279, 2009.
- "Full-sky Weak Lensing Simulation with 70 Billions Particles", R. Teyssier, S. Pires, D. Aubert, C. Pichon, S. Prunet, A. Amara, K. Benabed, S. Colombi, A. Réfrégier and J.-L.Starck, A&A, 497, 2, 335-341, 2009.
- "Dark matter maps reveal cosmic scaffolding", R. Massey, J. Rhodes, R. Ellis, N. Scoville, A. Leathaud, A. Finoguenov, P. Capak, D. Bacon, H. Aussel, J.-P. Kneib, A. Koekemoer, H. McCracken, B. Mobasher, S. Pires, A. Réfrégier, S. Sasaki, ,J.-L. Starck, Y. Taniguchi and J. Taylor, Nature, 445, 7125, 286-290, 2007
- "Curvelet applications to asteroseismic data", P. Lambert, S. Pires, J. Ballot, R.A. García and J.L. Starck, A&A, 454, 3, 1021-1027, 2006
- "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters reconstruction in multiband bolometer camera survey", S. Pires, J.B. Juin, D. Yvon, Y. Moudden, S. Anthoine, and E. Pierpaoli, A&A, 455, 2, 741-755, 2006
- "Weak Lensing Mass Reconstruction using Wavelets", J.-L. Starck, S. Pires, and A. Refregier, A&A, 451, 3, 1139-1150, 2006
- PhD manuscript: "Application des méthodes multi-échelles aux effets de lentille gravitationnelle faibles: reconstruction et analyse des cartes de matière noire", S. Pires, Sedi-Sap/CEA Saclay, defended in December 15, 2008.
- Chapter in Book: "Weak Gravitational Lensing", S. Pires, J.-L. Starck, A. Leonard, and A. Refregier, in Advances in Machine Learning and Data Mining for Astronomy, Chapman and Hall, Edtitors M. Way, J. Scargle, K. Ali, A. Srivastava.
- Euclid Definition study Report: "Mapping the geometry of the dark Universe", Laureijs, R.; Amiaux, J.; Arduini, S.; Auguères, J. -L.; Brinchmann, J.; Cole, R.; Cropper, M.; Dabin, C.; Duvet, L.; Ealet, A.; Garilli, B.; Gondoin, P.; Guzzo, L.; Hoar, J.; Hoekstra, H.; Holmes, R.; Kitching, T.; Maciaszek, T.; Mellier, Y.; Pasian, F.; Percival, W.; Rhodes, J.; Saavedra Criado, G.; Sauvage, M.; Scaramella, R.; Valenziano, L.; Warren, (Report, Euclid Red Book Editorial Team) S.; Bender, R.; Castander, F.; Cimatti, A.; Le Fèvre, O.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Levi, M.; Lilje, P.; Meylan, G.; Nichol, R.; Pedersen, K.; Popa, V.; Rebolo Lopez, R.; Rix, H. -W.; Rottgering, H.; Zeilinger (Euclid Consortium Board), W.; Grupp, F.; Hudelot, P.; Massey, R.; Meneghetti, M.; Miller, L.; Paltani, S.; Paulin-Henriksson, S.; Pires, S.; Saxton, C.; Schrabback, T.; Seidel, G.; Walsh (Other Euclid Tiger Team members), et al (165 additional authors)
- Workshop « Cosmology with Maps », London (UK), February 12, 2016
- Workshop « Missing Data in Physics », Nice (France), May 11-12, 2015
- ADA VII (Astronomical Data Analysis) summer school, Monastir (Tunisia), May 7-11 , 2012
Invited talks
- « Euclid: Weak Lensing Mass Maps», NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt (USA), July 1-5, 2019
- Journée GdR ISIS « Estimation de données manquantes», Marseille (France), "Les données manquantes en Astrophysique", October 8, 2015
- Conference MissData, Rennes (France), "Missing Data in Astrophysics", June 18-19, 2015
- Mini-workshop on Kepler mission « Signal Processing with Sparse Representations », School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia, Nov 19-23, 2012
- Conference NDIP (New Developments In Photodetection), Lyon (France), «Image Processing in Astrophysics», July 4-8, 2011
- Workshop PPF-PSI on missing data, « Missing Data Interpolation in Weak Lensing », Toulouse (France), Avril 28, 2009
- « Application of multiscale methods to Weak Lensing: Reconstruction and analysis of Dark Matter mass maps », JPL/Caltech, Pasadena (USA), Feb 25-March 16, 2009
- « FASTLens Fast method for Weak Lensing Statistics and map making », IAP, Paris, France, July 9, 2008
- « Dark Matter mass map Reconstruction and Analysis using sparsity», University Observatory, Munich (Germany), June 17-19, 2008
- Workshop Cosmology with Maps, « Weak Lensing Mass Maps in Euclid», London (UK), February 12, 2016
- Journée GdR ISIS « Estimation de données manquantes», Marseille (France), "Les données manquantes en Atsrophysique", October 8, 2015
- Conference MissData, Rennes (France), "Missing Data in asttrophysics", June 18-19, 2015
- Workshop « Missing Data in Physics »,, Nice (France), "Missing Data in asteroseismology", May 11-12, 2015
- Workshop « Weak Lensing beyond the ordinary», Nice (France), "Optimizing non-Gaussian statistics ", June 3-5, 2013
- Conference, ADA VII (Astronomical Data Analysis), Cargese (France), «Improving Cosmological constraints from non-Gaussianity in Weak Lensing » May 14-18, 2012
- Conference NDIP (New Developments In Photodetection), Lyon (France), « Image processing in Astrophysics », July 4-8, 2011
- Conference, ADA VI (Astronomical Data Analysis), Monastir (Tunisia), «Cosmological model discrimination from Weak Lensing » , May 3-6 , 2010
- Workshop DEUS (DARK ENERGY UNIVERSE SIMULATIONS), «Cosmological model discrimination with Weak Lensing », December, 4, 2009, IAP, Paris (France)
- Conference Invisible Univers, «Cosmological model discrimination with Weak Lensing » , Paris (France), June 29 - July 3, 2009
- Workshop PPF-PSI on missing data, « Missing data interpolation in Weak Lensing », Toulouse (France), Avril 28, 2009
- Conference, ADA V (Astronomical Data Analysis), Heraklion (Crete), May 7-9 , 2008
- Colloquium Stellar physics and cosmology, « Dark matter maps reconstruction from weak lensing data - Application to COSMOS data- », Paris (France), May, 24-25, 2007
- Conference, ADA IV (Astronomical Data Analysis), Marseille (France), September 18-20 , 2006
- Workshop on Nongaussianity in Cosmology, Miramare-Trieste (Italy), July 24-28, 2006
- Conference, Les rencontres de Moriond : "Contents and structures of the Universe", La Thuile (Italie), March 18-25, 2006
- Advanced Lectures, "a Pan-Chromatic View of Clusters of Galaxies and the Large-Scale Structure", Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica of Puebla (Mexico), June 27- July 8, 2005
- Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers & Physicists, Penn State's University (USA), June 5-17, 2005
- Workshop "Contenu informatif des images numeriques", ENS Cachan (France), November 25-26, 2004
- Summer School, "Wavelet And Multifractal Analysis", Institut d'Etude Scientifique de Cargese, Corsica, June 19-31, 2004
Teaching and Outreach
- Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists in Penn State's University, USA, June 5-17, 2005: Practical works in Spatial Processes and Image Analysis
- Signal and image processing practical work at Paris XI post MASTER (2005-2012)
- Participation to the « salon de la culture et des jeux mathématiques » open to the general public, in May 28, 2009
- Participation to CEA « journées portes ouvertes » open to the general public, in November 21-22, 2009
- Tutorial « Image processing in Astrophysics », Conference NDIP (New Developments In Photodetection), Lyon (France), July 4-8, 2011
- ADA7 summer school: Practical works in Signal and Image Processing in Astrophysics (Cargèse, May 7-11, 2012)
- Sandrine Pires Sparse representations and filtering.
- Sandrine Pires Inpainting and Morphological Component Analysis.
- Course on statistical methods, University of Sydney, Australia, November 22, 2012
- MOOC (since 2016) for the doctoral school PHENIICS of Paris-Saclay
Scientific and administrative responsabilities
- SDC-FR Dev OULE3 responsible for Euclid
- PF lead of the 2D-MASS-WL PF and 3D-MASS-WL PF (in charge of the integration of the mass mapping codes)
- Leader of several WPs in Euclid mission:
- Mass Mapping WP in WL-SWG (Weak Lensing - Science Working Group)
- Weak Lensing Selected Clusters WP in CL-SWG (Clusters of Galaxies Science Working Group)
- Responsible of the (bi-weekly) Postdoc Seminars of the Department of Astrophysics (since 2012)
- Member of the AIM laboratory Council (Since 2011)