Hugo Simonfroy

PhD Student

Contact Information
E-mail: hugo.simon [at] cea [dot] fr
Office: Bat 141 - Pce 36A
Affiliation: IRFU/DPhP-DAp
Supervisors: Arnaud de Mattia, François Lanusse

Research Interests

I am a first year PhD student working under the supervision of Dr Arnaud de Mattia and Dr François Lanusse. I have strong interests in cosmological modeling and Bayesian statistics. I am a member of the DESI collaboration and my main work is two folds: developing fast and differentiable model for galaxy clustering, then performing scalable inference at the field level.



  • Master of Science in Maths, Imaging, Machine Learning, ENS Paris-Saclay, 2022
  • Master of Engineering in Applied Maths and Computer Science, Télécom Paris, 2022