Denise Lanzieri
Contact Information | |
E-mail: | denise.lanzieri [at] cea [dot] fr |
Phone: | |
Office: | 277 |
Affiliation: | IRFU/DAp-AIM |
Supervisor: | François Lanusse, Jean-Luc Starck |
Research Interests
The upcoming stage-IV Dark Energy surveys such as Euclid and LSST, will observe the Universe with unprecedented accuracy, allowing us to investigate unsolved questions in current cosmology. All the methodologies and developments that have characterized my research so far work towards two big goals: making fast approximated simulations suitable for data analysis pipeline of upcoming cosmological surveys and investigating forward modeling techniques to exploit the potential of next-generation weak lensing data. In parallel, I am working on data compression of weak lensing map summary statistics using deep convolution neural networks
I am part of the Dark Energy Science Collaboration where I contribute studying higher order weak lensing statistics using differentiable simulations.
I am one of the co-organisers of the Cosmostat Journal club. If you would like to give a talk and meet the CosmoStat group you can contact me or Tobias.
Conferences & Talks
- IN2P3/IRFU Machine Learning workshop, virtual, Paris, 16-17 March 2021 (talk)
- Rubin-LSST France, virtual, Paris, 28 May 2021 (talk)
- Machine Learning for the study of galaxies and cosmology (PNCG), virtual, 9 June 2021 (talk)
- 2021 July LSST-DESC Collaboration Meeting, virtual, 19-23 July 2021 (poster)
- Debating the potential of Machine Learning in Astronomical Surveys, Paris, 18-22 October 2021 (Flash Talk)
- Invited speaker at the FORTH Institute of Astrophysics in Crete, 3 November 2021 (Talk)
- Symposium Euclid-France 2021, Grenoble, 17-19 November 2021)(Talk)
- Rubin-LSST France, Paris, 22-24 November 2021 (Talk)
- 56th Rencontres de Moriond, Italy, 23-30 January (Poster)
- Cosmology with Weak Lensing: Beyond the Two-point Statistics, virtual, 1-15 April 2022 (talk)
- Bayesian Deep Learning for Cosmology and Time Domain Astrophysics, Paris, 20-24 June 2022 (talk)
- ICML 2022 Workshop on Machine Learning for Astrophysics, Baltimore, 23 July 2022 (talk)
- DESC Collaboration Meeting, Chicago, 1-5 August 2022 (poster)
Attended Courses & Workshops
- IDRIS GPU hackathon 2021, virtual, 17,25-27 May 2021
- Summer School in Statistics for Astronomers XVI, virtual, 1-5 June 2021
- ASTRO HACK WEEK 2022, Heidelberg, 17-21 October 2022
- Weak Lensing Power Spectrum Tutorial , virtual, 2020
Other links
I joined to a double degree program between the University of Naples Federico II and the Shanghai Normal University in 2019.
I graduated in March 2020 and obtained a MSc in Physics, majoring Astrophysics, at University of Naples Federico II. My Master thesis focused on the study of the Concentration-Mass relation of galaxy clusters in the next generation surveys.
From September to December 2019, I had a 3-month research experience as visiting student at Shanghai Normal University, where I developed part of my Master thesis.