Date: June 25th 2018
Speaker: Viviana Niro (University of Heidelberg)
Title: Galaxy rotation curves in modified gravity models [slides]
I'll present the possibility that galaxy rotation curves can be explained in the framework of modified gravity models. A Yukawa term is considered in the gravitational potential and dark matter is included in the fit.
Using a set of 40 galaxy rotation curves data from the SPARC catalogue, I'll present constraints on the strength, β, and the range, λ, of the Yukawa fifth force. The global best-fit is found to be β=0.34±0.04 and λ=5.61±0.91 kpc and the dark matter content is on average 20% smaller than in the standard gravity parametrization. The Bayesian evidence for a NFW profile and a Yukawa term is higher than 8σ with respect to the case without the Yukawa term.