CosmoStat Seminar: Dr. Sunayana Bhargava (Obs. Côte d’Azur)

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Date & Time: 6 Jun 2024, 10h

Venue: Salle Kepler/Zoom, Bâtiment 709

Title: A Path to Cosmology with Euclid's Galaxy Clusters

Abstract: In this talk, I will outline the key aspects of the galaxy cluster pipeline for the Euclid mission that will be used to measure cosmological parameters from galaxy clusters. I will review the performance of Euclid's two cluster finder algorithms on mock galaxy catalogues from the Flagship simulations, that will be used to define the selection function of the survey. It is expected that Euclid will detect thousands of galaxy clusters above a given purity at z ~ 1, facing challenges in photometric redshift determination, richness, and weak lensing shear measurements. I will show recent results on the calibration of Euclid's main cluster observables - the weak lensing shear and richness - using simulations, and how these will be applied on the current and future data.

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