Vincent Vandenbussche


Vincent Vandenbussche


Contact Information
E-mail: vincent.vandenbussche [at] cea [dot] fr
Phone: +33 (0)1 69 08 92 63
Office: 280
Affiliation: IRFU/DEDIP


Research Interests

I am currently working on implementation of weak lensing mass mapping algorithms for Euclid. I also worked on medical imaging on several fields (e.g. Gamma camera image reconstruction, PET tomographic reconstruction, PET hardware optimization, interventional scanner X-ray techniques optimization, interventional scanner image processing...) during my PhD and then as a research engineer for GE Healthcare. So I'm interested by all data processing and physics related fields.


  • 2014: PhD, Paris-Sud University, IMNC laboratory, under supervision of Yves Charon
  • 2011: MSc in Particle and Nuclear Physics (NPAC), Paris-Sud University


During my PhD I was teaching numerical computations in Python to undergraduated Physics students at Université Paris-Diderot.