Valeria Pettorino
Directrice de Recherche, PhD, HDR
Contact Information | |
E-mail: | valeria.pettorino [at] cea [dot] fr |
Phone: | +33 (0)1 69 08 42 75 |
Office: | 283 |
Affiliation: | IRFU/DAp-AIM |
Website: | https://www.valeriapettorino.com |
I am a physicist and I work on cosmology, astrophysics and data analysis in roles that bridge people with different expertise.
I work on using data from ground and space missions to test theoretical models that describe the evolution and content of the Universe. Topics I have been working on include: Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Modified Gravity, Cosmic Microwave Background, Neutrinos, Supernovae. I have coordinated the Planck analysis for Dark Energy and Modified Gravity and I lead the Inter-science Taskforce for forecasts and Likelihood within the ESA Euclid international space missions.
My CV can be found here. My scientific publications are available on orcid.
Position and responsibilities until 10/23:
- Directrice de Recherche CEA Paris-Saclay, IRFU/DAp, Astrophysics Department, CosmoStat lab, France since 2016.
- President of the Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxie (PNCG) since 2019.
I am a member of the ESA Euclid space mission since 2007 (former DUNE). I was:
- Co-Lead of the ESA Euclid Inter Science Taskforce on Likelihood and Forecasts.
- Co-Lead of the ESA Euclid Theory Science Working Group (since 2021)
- Appointed Euclid Builder since 2019, for my contribution to the space mission over the years.
Other roles in communication and mentoring:
- CEA representative within the Euclid France communication team from 2019 to 2023.
- CosmoStat representative within the DAp communication team from 2021 to 2023.
- Mentor and leadership team for the Supernova Foundation for women in physics since 2015 and Mentor for Paris-Saclay Femmes&Science in 2020-2021.
- Member of the Council of the Graduate School for Paris-Saclay from 2021 to 2022.
Previous positions:
- Research Group Leader for HGSFP and ITP Cosmology Group, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Marie Curie IEF, Project DEMO, University of Geneva
- International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- University of Torino, Italy
- University of Naples, Italy
Outreach activity while at CEA:
Press release:
- Valeria Pettorino: Making an impact in Space, Cosmos and Mentoring , an Interview from CERN Alumni.
- Energia oscura primordiale? Se c’era, era poca, by MEDIA INAF (in Italian)
- Valeria Pettorino reçoit le prix MCAA pour un parcours d’excellence, interview by CEA IRFU COM
- An Italian Cosmologist Who Wanders in Dante’s Dark Wood, interview by Quanta Magazine
Outreach articles:
- Video for Quanta Magazine
- The launch of Sputnik1, live radio interview for RFI
- EuroPython 2017 (in Italian)
- Frémir avec Euclid, by CEA IRFU COMM
Organization of events:
- Round table on Science Diplomacy in Space Exploration, in collaboration with Alumni Polito and the Italian Embassy in Paris, 2021 (organizer and chair)
- Uno sguardo sull'Universo, May 2023, for DIRE association of women in Paris (talk)